The Slovenian Museum of Natural History Museum originates directly from the Carniola Provincial Museum, founded in 1821, where Henrik Freyer served as the first curator (in the years 1832 – 1853). He was the first to systematically collect vertebrates on our territory, and his collection was the basis for the preparation of the book Fauna of the Carnivoran Living Mammals, Birds, Reptiles and Fishes (Ljubljana 1842), which is a fundamental work for knowledge of our vertebrates. He listed 50 species of mammals (“suckling shivals”), for some of them he provided habitat information or even concrete locations.
FREYER, Henrik, 1802-1866
Fauna der in Krain bekannten Säugethiere, Vögel, Reptilien und Fische : nach Cuvier’s System geordnet, mit Abbildungs-Citaten und Angabe des Vorkommens : nebst einem vollständigen Register der lateinischen, deutschen und krainischen oder slavischen Namen / von Heinrich Freyer … – Laibach : gedruckt in der Eger’schen Gubernial-Buchdruckerei, 1842. – VIII, 90, [1] str. : tabela (Alphabeticon) ; 20 cm