Matej (Matija) KRIŽNAR, M.A.

Photo: private archive
Head of Department of Geology
Museum Adviser
Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Department of Geology
Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI – 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
T: (01) 241 09 47
F: (01) 241 09 53
- Wood engineer
- Master of Geology Sciences
Work description
- Head of Department of Geology
- Maintenance of the collections of the Department of Geology (paleontological collections)
- Professional treatment of museum material (fossils), fossils, taxidermy and manufacture replicas of fossils (in collaboration with the technical department)
- Paleontological research (fossils from the Slovenian territory), primarily explores fossil vertebrates, fossilized wood and fossil cephalopods.
- History of Slovenian paleontology and palaeontological research (before 1850), and the history of geology and mining (mining, mining technical heritage)
Prizes and Awards
- Prešeren Award for Students (Biotechnical Faculty), 2000
- Prometheus of Science for Excellence in Communication – for exhibition Evolution of the Earth and Geological Characteristics of Slovenia (Slovene Science Foundation), 2009
- Thanks to professional journalistic work (Association of Friends of Minerals and Fossils Association of Slovenia), 2012
- Awards for active participation in an event MINFOS (TD Tržic), 2005 and 2013
- Valvasor Award for Outstanding Achievements – for exhibition Our Little Big Sea, 2016 (all recipients of the award: Breda Činč Juhant, Ph.D., Andrej Gogala, Ph.D., Alenka Jamnik, Mojca Jernejc Kodrič, Miha Jeršek, Ph.D., Urška Kačar, Tea Knapič, Matija Križnar, M.A., Boris Kryštufek, Ph.D., Špela Pungaršek, Staša Tome, Ph.D., Ljerka Trampuž, Tomi Trilar, Ph.D. and Al Vrezec, Ph.D.)
- KRIŽNAR, Matija, PLASKAN, Maja. Ferdinand Seidl in njegova geološko-paleontološka zbirka v Prirodoslovnem muzeju Slovenije (= Ferdinand Seidl and his geological-paleontological collection in the Slovenian Museum of Natural History). Scopolia : glasilo Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije, 2017, no. 89, str. 1-60.
- JAMNIK, Pavel, LEBEN-SELJAK, Petra, TOŠKAN, Borut, KRIŽNAR, Matija, GLAŽAR, Stanislav, BLAŽINA, Bruno, BIZJAK, Janez. Grobišče v Imenskem rovu / Rovu starih podpisov v Postojnski jami. : So bili obiski Postojnske jame sredi 17. stoletja “turistični” ogledi grobišča?. Annales : anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, 2017, letn. 27, št. 1, str. 11-30.
- GALE, Luka, NOVAK, Uroš, KOLAR-JURKOVŠEK, Tea, KRIŽNAR, Matija, STARE, France. Characterization of silicified fossil assemblage from upper Carnian Amphiclina beds at Crngrob (central Slovenia) = Značaj okremenjene fosilne združbe zgornjekarnijskih amfiklinskih plasti pri Crngrobu (osrednja Slovenija). Geologija, 2017, vol. 60, no. 1, str. 61-75.
- GAŠPARIČ, Rok, KRIŽNAR, Matija. Early Miocene decapod Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 from Govce beds of Tunjice Hills (Central Slovenia) = Spodnjemiocenska rakovica Retropluma slovenica Gašparič & Hyžný, 2014 iz govških plasti Tunjiškega gričevja. Geologija, ISSN 0016-7789. [Tiskana izd.], 2017, vol. 60, no. 1, str. 77-85.
- KRIŽNAR, Matija, KOVALCHUK, Olexandr M. Ostanki kvartarnih sladkovodnih rib z Ljubljanskega barja in iz Križne jame iz paleontoloških zbirk Prirodoslovnega muzeja Slovenije = Quaternary fish remains from the Ljubljansko barje and Križna jama in the paleontological collections of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History. Arheološki vestnik, ISSN 0570-8966, 2016, 67, str. 389-399
- KRIŽNAR, Matija. Zob paleozojskega morskega psa rodu Glikmanius (Chondrichthyes, Ctenacanthidae) iz Karavank (Slovenija) = Upper paleozoic shark tooth of genus Glikmanius (Chondrichthyes, Ctenacanthidae) from Karavanke Mts. (NW Slovenia). Geologija, ISSN 0016-7789. [Tiskana izd.], 2015, 58, št. 1, str. 57-61
- MIKUŽ, Vasja, KRIŽNAR, Matija, CAF, Nina. Panonijski mehkužci iz najdišča Osek-2 v Slovenskih goricah = Pannonian moluscs from site Osek-2 in Slovenske gorice, Slovenia. Geologija, ISSN 0016-7789. [Tiskana izd.], 2015, 58, št. 1, str. 71-80
- KRIŽNAR, Matija. Nov primerek ribe Protriacanthus gortanii D’Erasmo, 1946 (Protriacanthidae, Tetraodontiformes) iz zgornjekrednih plasti pri Komnu (Slovenija) = New specimen of Protriacanthus gortanii D’Erasmo, 1946 (Protriacanthidae, Tetraodontiformes) from the upper Cretaceous beds near Komen (Slovenia). Geologija, ISSN 0016-7789. [Tiskana izd.], 2015, 58, št. 2, str. 195-200
- MIKUŽ, Vasja, KRIŽNAR, Matija. Sarmatijski mehkužci iz najdišča Osek-1 v Slovenskih goricah = Sarmatian molluscs from site Osek-1 in Slovenske gorice, Slovenia. Geologija, ISSN 0016-7789. [Tiskana izd.], 2015, 58, št. 2, str. 221-231
- GAŠPARIČ, Rok, KRIŽNAR, Matija. Nova najdba vretenca miocenskega morskega sesalca iz Tunjiškega gričevja. Kamniški zbornik, ISSN 1318-9069, 2014, 22, str. 59-64
- KRIŽNAR, Matija. Ostanki zob piknodontnih rib (Actinopterygii, Pycnodontidae) iz krednih plasti Mrzleka pri Solkanu (Slovenija) = Pycnodont fishes teeth (Actinopterygii, Pycnodontidae) from Cretaceous site Mrzlek (Solkan, Slovenia). RMZ – Materials and geoenvironment, ISSN 1408-7073, 2014, vol. 61, no. 2/3, str. 183-189
Researcher No: 37980
Scientific bibliography
Complete bibliography
Link to a personal website ResearchGate.