The Special Library acquires, stores, explores, represents and, according to contemporary librarian principles, processes and produces natural literature, which has historical value and literature, which is in support of the professions represented in the museum and leads the bibliographies of the museum’s workers.
Literature is borrowed for use in the reading room (6-12 seats) or at home. Your previous announcements are desirable. If you are unable to appear in the library personally, you can borrow literature based on a written order, by fax or by email.
The first beginnings of the collection of literature date back to 1821, when the Carniolan Regional Museum in Ljubljana was established. After independence from the then National Museum, in 1944 the Natural History Museum of Slovenia was established, and since 1989 a special library has been operating within its framework.
The entire literary stock of monographs and periodicals in the fields of geology, paleontology, mineralogies, biology, botanists, zoology, entomology, ornithology, museology and other fields comprises over 20,000 units. Among the older material, the library feeds on quite valuable rarities that have great historical value.
Since 1989, the librarian has been professional in processing materials, performing information and reference activities, borrowing, interlibrary loans, preparing bibliographies of employees, preparing publications for return and more.

The written order or your preliminary announcements of the visit are desirable. We borrow literature for use in the reading room (6-12 seats) and/or home. Copying and/or scanning material is possible in accordance with the Copyright Act.
Office hours for rental: Monday – Friday from 8.30 am to 11 am.
Alenka Jamnik, Librarian Specialist
T: (01) 241 09 44